Tuscan cuisine of the place with Renaissance and Creative proposals with products purchased in the short chain
Close on Tuesday. Reservation required.
info@contematto.it 3930479116
The restaurant does not make separate but total bills , the separate one will be taken care of by the customers at the timo of payment .
The restaurant and the kitchen will not accept orders after 2,00 p.m. ( lunchtime ) and 8,45 p.m. ( dinnertime ) prior agreement .
On the table there is always organic oil d.o.p. of the hills of Trequanda ( it is a selection of the most significant producers of our Municipality ) ; it is a very high quality oil that goes beautifully with our most representative local dishes, such as panzanella, ribollita, white beans and above all our grilled "Chianina" meat.
An aperitif service based on still or sparkling white wines, bubbles and cocktails is also offered.
We also have a small cellar-tasting room, where it is possible to buy, in addition to the precious bottles of wine, the typical products of the area.
It is also possible to order take-away dishes for both lunch and dinner.
Reservations recommended
12:00 14:15
19:0 21:15
PER INFO O PRENOTAZIONI: +39 0577 662079 +39 393 0479116
Traditional Menu
Tasting Tuscan patè on toast : chicken liver, rabbit liver, pork liver, calf's lights, beef spleen, caramelized onionsEuro Euro 10.00
Coffè Panna cotta, whisky crumble, mou sauce Euro 7.00
Stewed snails " Senese Style " (with crumbled sausage and tomato ) min. for 4 persons and only with reservation one week before Euro 12.00
Assorted Prosciutto (raw ham) with Rivolti of Trequanda : Cinta Senese (aged 18 months), Grigio del Casentino (aged 26 months) Macchiaiolo Maremmano aged 26 months) Euro 18.00
Beef tartare, soft boiled egg Tuscan style (Mediterranean sauce made with tomato, anchovies and caper), sand of toasted whole grain brad Euro 15.00
Artichoke flan, aged " ricotta " cheese cream, Tomato mustard, mint oil Euro 12.00
Goose breast " Carpaccio ", yogurt and raisins sauce, rucola salad, buttered bread (only with recervation 4 per. min. one week before Euro 15.00
Trippa alla Senese con salsiccia di Cinta Senese sbriciolata e zampino di maiale trifolato (solo su prenotazione min. 2 persone) Euro 12.00
Panino grigliato (rosetta) col Lampredotto, verdure, salsa verde, mostarda di pomodoro dolce (solo su prenotazione min. 2 persone) Euro 12.00
First Course
Baked vegetable and bread soup " Ribollita " with fresh spring onion Euro 12.00
" La Pappa " (vegetable broth with bread and egg) (only with reservation min. 4 persons) Euro 12.00
Ravioli " stuffed with roast suckling " Cinta Senese " pork meat , olive oil flavoured with rosemary,wild herbs sauce, local " pecorino " cheese cream (aged in hay) Euro 14.00
Pici (homemade Tuscan spaghetti) with rural sautè (ancient country ragù prepared with meat and giblets from countryard animals) Euro 14.00
Egg Tagliatelle creamed with butter and local black truffle Euro 22.00
Egg " Pappardelle " with shallots sauce, fresh asparagus, crispy tuscan bacon, almond cream Euro 14.00
Tuscan " Gnudi " whit cicory and " ricotta " cheese, fava beans cream , tomato and Aglione della Valdichiana (local big garlic), crunchy breadcrumbs Euro 14.00
Second Course
Grilled T-Bone " Chianina " Beef steack, Fiorentina style for Kg. Euro 60.00
Strips of grilled tuscan steack flavoured with 3 type of salt and aromatics spieces, olive oil with assorted peppercorns Euro 16.00
Baked rack of lamb in savory bread crust , honey and nuts crumble, glazed red radish Euro 22.00
Cooked chicken and rabbit in a pan with rosemary, sage and unpeeled garlic Euro 15.00
Roasted whole Pigeon marinated with Vin Santo and toasted bread with entrails and offal meatball Euro 22.00
Val di Chiana Veal stew (only with reservation 1 week before min. 4 persons) Euro 16.00
Guinea fowl cooked in a pan with green olives and saffron (only with reservation min. 4 persons 4 days before) Euro 16.00
Fried veil brain and vegetables (only with reservation min. 4 person 7 days before) Euro 18.00
" Tegamaccio " stewed courtyard animals meat with corn " Polenta " stuffed with lard and bacon bread Euro 18.00
Stewed assprted game meat (deer, wild boar, hare,partridge and pheasant) whit grilled bread and garlic, parsley emulsion Euro 18.00
Mixed salad Euro 6.00
Baked potatoes Euro 5.00
Assorted fried vegetables Euro 6.00
Assorted vegetables flan Euro 6.00
Cannellini beans with sage, tomato and garlic Euro 5.00
Selection of Local " Goat " cheeses with jam sauce and honey Euro 14.00
Dessert (all dessert are Homemade)
Caramel flan flavoured with orange Euro 7.00
Almond brittle " Parfait " Euro 7.00
Lemon tarte, flambèed meringue Euro 7.00
Soft dark chocolate mousse Euro 7.00
Our Tiramisù on the dishe Euro 7.00
Cantucci (almond biscuits) with egg cream flavoured with Vin Santo Euro 7.00
Conte Matto... Bed & Breakfast and Wines&Cocktails Bar a Trequanda
Le camere
We recall that in the days marked in red rooms will have a supercharge
of Euro 10,00 for night . All rooms have TV with satellite channels , free Wi-fi and
private bathrooms. The room called " Crete Senesi " has
the windows overlooking to Siena , the Crete Senesi ,
Montalcino , Val d'Asso and surrounding countryside of the country. The cost for one night in this room is Euro 70,00 The room " The Grazing Chianina beef " is always overlooking the surrounding countryside of the country , on the old castle grdens but also of Montalcino and the Crete Senesi . The cost for one night in this room is Euro 60,00 The
room " Il Giardino " is facing the garden of the old castle and the
surrouning co…
The price of the room : Crete Senesi Euro 100,00 for night ; Il Pascolo delle Chianine Euro 90,00 for night ; Il Giardino Euro 90,00 for night.
In the mounth of August , the days marked in red the rooms will have a surcharge of for day€. 10,00 .
Addictional cots for children cost for €. 20,00 per day ( €. 25,00 during the day marked in red )
The rooms do not have air conditioning and mini bar
For animals ( since they are allowed ) a final cleaning is required at the cost of €. 15,00 wich is mandatory to avoid problems with allergic customers .
We remaind you that the restaurant is closed on Tuesday( except the days marked in red ) and will not offer breakfast . T…
Via Taverne, 40 - 53020 Trequanda
+39 0577 662079
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Where We Are
To reach Trequanda , take the highway A1 untill the exit " Val di Chiana " , right along the highway toward Siena , trails 7 KM. It comes out to sinalunga and follow the signs for Trequanda